Louisville, KY accounting@sheltowee.com
Metals Innovation Initiative (MI2) arvinjohnsampaga@gmail.com
Morehead Space Science Center accounting@sheltowee.com
Prayer Warriors Monday Morning accounting@sheltowee.com
Sheltowee Angel Network accounting@sheltowee.com
Sheltowee Business Network accounting@sheltowee.com
Sheltowee Christian Entrepreneurs accounting@sheltowee.com
Sheltowee Network accounting@sheltowee.com
Name of Community Creator Type of Community About Community Moderators Events Affiliated Communities Top Mentors Set to automatic based on activity2 Highlighted Community Members Highlighted Companies Upload Header Image Upload Sponsor 1 banner ad Upload Sponsor 2 banner ad Upload Sponsor 3 banner ad Images (up to five)
CEOc accounting@sheltowee.com Organization

The Louisville Healthcare CEO Council (LHCC) was formed in 2017 to leverage the strengths and assets of its members to solve important problems that extend beyond the scope of any one single member company. LHCC board members include CEOs from Kindred, Humana, Trilogy Health Services, Norton Healthcare, Hosparus Health, Anthem, Apellis Pharmaceuticals, Signature Healthcare, Galen College of Nursing, Baptist Healthcare System, and BrightSpring Health Services. These companies are the titans in the industry, collectively representing over 450,000 employees, $120 billion in revenue and 80 million lives touched. 

Alex Day
Tammy York Day
Josh Williams
Louisville, KY
AGING2.0 Main
CareTech 2022
Tammy York Day
Cliff Maesaka
Arnold Whitman
William Yarmuth
Rick Remmers
Tammy York Day
Kendrick Norris
Josh Williams
Samuel Mbutu
Caitlin Greenwell

CEOC Graphic.jpg
Louisville, KY accounting@sheltowee.com City

The Louisville Konexon's Community Portal is maintained by the Sheltowee Business Network. On this Community Portal you will find the resources that entrepreneurs need for growing their businesses.  If you have resources or information that you think could be helpful to the Louisville entrepreneurial ecosystem, please feel to reach out to us.  We hope that you find this portal to be helpful and a resource that you come back to.  

Alex Day
Olga Grab
JR Rose
Sheltowee Business Network
University of Louisville
AGING2.0 Main
Alex Day
JR Rose
Tammy York Day
Tonya York
Kevin Shurn
Kevin Rapp
Monique Quarterman
Ben Reno-Weber
Rebecca Wood
Tonya York
Jennifer Williams
Dave Christopher

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Metals Innovation Initiative (MI2) arvinjohnsampaga@gmail.com Accelerator

The Metals Innovation Initiative was born out of an idea, an idea that doesn’t have a ready-made playbook: How can we create an industry-led organization that collaborates with governmental, educational, and other stakeholders to solve the most pressing challenges and capture opportunities that our organizations cannot easily address on their own? There are numerous examples of collaboration between industry and education, government and industry, and government and education. MI2’s concept is to bring those collaborations under one roof to form an ecosystem, guide it, and empower it to drive innovation and shape the future of the metal industry.

Alex Day
Venkata (Vijay) Kamineni
Sheltowee Business Network
Western Kentucky University
University of Louisville
Bowling Green, KY
Venkata (Vijay) Kamineni
Sam Ford
Mike Hilton
Alex Day

Metal Innovations Community Header1.jpg
Morehead Space Science Center accounting@sheltowee.com Organization

The Morehead Space Science Center Konexon's Community Portal provides information and resources for entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs.  You will be able to find the information and resources you need to commercialize technologies here.  

At the heart of MSU's Department of Physics, Earth Science and Space Systems Engineering is the Ronald G. Eaglin Space Science Center (SSC). The facility houses state-of-the-art equipment and laboratories that will give you valuable hands-on learning experiences. The Space Science Center is home to MSU's Program of Distinction, the Bachelor of Science in Space Systems Engineering.

MSU's Space Science Center was recently named the best aerospace research and development center in Kentucky by Southern Business and Development magazine, beating out research and development programs at Eastern Kentucky University, the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville.

The SSC has become an important center for research in nanosatellite technologies. CubeSats are "loaf of bread" or smaller-sized nanosatellites that have become the defacto world-wide standard for small satellite technologies. CubeSats are 10 x 10 x 10 cm (or by 20 or 30 cm in length) satellites that weigh under 1 kg per unit. The recent evolution of micro/nanotechnologies and microelectronics has facilitated the development of these inexpensive, highly capable small satellites that are now being flown by NASA, the U.S. Department of Defense, aerospace companies and universities around the globe. CubeSats, including those developed at the SSC, are used for a wide variety of applications ranging from tactical defense to scientific research (including astrophysics research and Earth phenomena and resource monitoring) to practical applications ranging from communications to relaying data from ground sensors. CubeSats are considered "disruptive technology" by the world-wide aerospace industry because they can provide some of the same services as conventional satellites at a fraction of the cost and with short development times - and MSU is at the forefront of this emerging technology.

Alex Day
Dr. Elijah Jensen
Sheltowee Angel Network
Western Kentucky University
University of Louisville
Alex Day
Dr. Elijah Jensen
Monique Quarterman
Dr. Elijah Jensen
Morehead State cover 2.jpg
Prayer Warriors Monday Morning accounting@sheltowee.com Organization

The Prayer Warriors Monday Morning Community was founded by Roger Griggs and Steve Campbell.  The group has a call each Monday morning at 7:00 AM Eastern Time.  We dedicate our first efforts of the new week to encourage one another, please the Lord and make Satan angry.  Below is a prayer for you:

Father God, walk beside me as I endure the challenges of today. Give me the strength I need to challenge the week ahead. May I walk in faith and in Your strength. Send Your
angels to guard over me throughout this week, as You lead me into my divine purpose.Bless all that I lay my hands upon. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray,

Alex Day
Roger Griggs
Sheltowee Christian Entrepreneurs
Alex Day
Roger Griggs
Prayer Warrior Community header1.jpg
Russell Technology Business Incubator (RTBI) arvinjohnsampaga@gmail.com Accelerator

The Russell Technology Business Incubator (RTBI) is the first business incubator for black entrepreneurs in West Louisville.   The incubator is under the umbrella of AMPED, the Academy of Music Production Education and Development, which is a free music program for kids in Louisville. The founder, Dave Christopher, said the idea for the business incubator came about in 2020 as black-owned businesses were struggling in the COVID-19 pandemic significantly more than their counterparts.

Mr. Christopher, an entrepreneur himself, has experienced challenges with having access to resources and programs that are equipped to assist and understand black entrepreneurs’ unique struggles.

Through RTBI, black business owners now have access to services and resources to help them get started, research their goals, create generational wealth, create jobs, give back to the community, and to continue to grow for years to come.

The incubator is a year-long program that challenges entrepreneurs to go on a learning journey that will expand their knowledge, increase confidence, and grow their businesses.  The program is specifically designed to reduce failure for black entrepreneurs by keeping their unique challenges in mind.  The program offers courses in business planning, business accounting, marketing, capital strategies, technology, business communication, and life balance.  In addition, each entrepreneur participating in the program is assigned a professional business coach for support and guidance on handling their business’ specific challenges.  RTBI gives so many resources that are designed to reduce the barriers that black-owned business experience and increases the success rate in the black communities of Louisville.

The incubator received a grant $500,000 grant from the Rockefeller Foundation to get started and since has received more than $3 million in funding from other donations. Mr. Christopher and his staff, donors, and supporters are committed to reducing the racial wealth gap across the nation.  It is projected that RTBI to become a national model within three to five years.

Dave Christopher
Brittany Hill-Whitehead
Louisville, KY
Dave Christopher
Brittany Hill-Whitehead
Kweku Martin
Lecresha Sewell

Sheltowee Angel Network accounting@sheltowee.com Organization

The Sheltowee Angel Network helps establish angel investing groups in different communities.  We currently have groups in Knoxville, Nashville and Louisville and will be expanding in the coming months.  

Eric Dobson
Doc Claussen
David Vulcano
Sheltowee Business Network
Derby City Angels
Sheltowee Venture Fund
Alex Day
Eric Dobson
Olga Grab
JR Rose
Doc Claussen
David Vulcano
Eric Dobson
Olga Grab
JR Rose
Doc Claussen
David Vulcano
Warren D. Schickli

Sheltowee Business Network accounting@sheltowee.com Organization

The Sheltowee Business Network (SBN) is a membership based organization that assists entrepreneurs in growing their companies.  SBN is made up of a network of highly successful entrepreneurs, investors, mentors and business advisors who can help entrepreneurs reach their business goals.  SBN can mentor and provide advisory services that can help entrepreneurs raise capital, do business development, conduct strategic planning and assist in areas where the founder needs help.  SBN is a membership organization and our members have the opportunity to earn equity and fees by helping our entrepreneurs who participate in the Sheltowee Advisory Services program.  

Alex Day
Olga Grab
JR Rose
Louisville, KY
Derby City Angels
Sheltowee Network
Sheltowee Christian Entrepreneurs
Western Kentucky University
University of Louisville
University of Kentucky
Alex Day
Eric Dobson
Olga Grab
JR Rose
Carlos Hernandez Ocampo
Rob Williamson
Matt Miller
Mike Skura
Micaela Skura
Trey Runyon
David McClure
Josh Nickols

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Sheltowee Christian Entrepreneurs accounting@sheltowee.com Organization

The Sheltowee Christian Entrepreneurs is a Community Portal that provides resources and information for Christian entrepreneurs.  In Timoty 3:14 it says: "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived".  We see this more and more each day.  So many individuals and organizations are telling us that our belief in our Saviour and moral framework is flawed.  These voices are becoming louder and more militant.  This Community is here to provide resources, inspiration and help for Christian brothers and sisters who have chosen to walk the entrepreneurial path.  

We invite all Christian brothers and sisters to join us in our efforts to help entrepreneurs build their businesses.  We will work together to build businesses that help humanity, and reflect the love of Christ at the same time.  The Sheltowee Christian Entrepreneurs Community Portal is supported by Sheltowee LLC.  

Romans 12:6-8 "We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully."

Alex Day
JR Rose
Louisville, KY
Sheltowee Business Network
Sheltowee Venture Fund
Sheltowee Angel Network
Sheltowee Network
Alex Day
Olga Grab
JR Rose
Tammy York Day
Tonya York
Kevin Rapp
Jake Griggs
Alex Day
Venkata (Vijay) Kamineni
Olga Grab
Tammy York Day
Tonya York
Kevin Rapp
Jake Griggs

Sheltowee Network accounting@sheltowee.com Organization

The Sheltowee Network is the entity that holds the for profit pieces of the Sheltowee Ecosystem which includes the Sheltowee Business Network, the Sheltowee Angel Network, the Sheltowee Venture Fund and the Sheltowee Medical Device Fund.

Alex Day
Eric Dobson
Olga Grab
Aging2.0 Global Innovation Search 2022
Alex Day
Eric Dobson
Olga Grab
JR Rose
Phillip L Marshall
Alex Day
Eric Dobson
Olga Grab
JR Rose
Doc Claussen
David Vulcano
