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Self Assessment and Goal Setting Workbook

For those individuals who prefer paper to digital, we offer the Sheltowee Self Assessment and Goal Setting Workbook

With the Sheltowee Self Assessment and Goal Setting Notebook we talk you through the following key areas and allow you to record these:

  1. Life Wheel- where are you in key areas of your life
  2. Strengths- using Clifton Strengths Finder we help you identify your top 25 strengths. 
  3. Core Values- what are your core values and are your actions aligning with them
  4. Passions- what are your passions and how do you identify them
  5. Defining Success- how do you define success?
  6. Mission Statement- what is your personal mission statement?
  7. Setting Goals- We help you set your goals
The Sheltowee Self Assessment and Goal Setting Notebook allows you to keep explore these areas and allows you to record them.  


Length: 1.00 inch(es)
Width: 1.00 inch(es)
Height: 2.00 inch(es)
Weight: 1.00 lb(s)
Additional shipping charges: $4.95

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