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Derby City Angels Meeting

by Sheltowee Angel Network

$0 0



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The Derby City Angels is an angel investor group that is part of the Sheltowee Angel Network.  The Derby City Angels meets monthly on the third Tuesday of the month and will see pitches from entrepreneurs from across the region. Investors will see pitches from entrepreneurs selected by the Derby City Angels each month, and one entrepreneur selected by the Sheltowee Angel Network that will be broadcast across the network to include our affiliates in Knoxville and Nashville.  To learn more about angel investing you can attend one of our Angel 101 seminars (look in the Events section of Konexons for more info).  

The monthly meetings will be for members only and members must be accredited investors.  Membership starts at $1,500 per year and members should anticipate investing at least $50,000 over two years of membership.  For more information you can visit the Sheltowee Angel Network website at www.sheltoweeangelnetwork.com.  

Please join in this zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85412080007?pwd=azlhSzVxMzl6VTdRQld6d3pzckcvdz09

Thanks to our sponsors the CEO Council, Amplify and Hopewell Labs!

Please note that membership to the Sheltowee Angel Network and the Derby City Angels is limited to accredited investors only.  

Investors Pitch Angels
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Date And Time

Tuesday, Nov 15, 2022

17:30 - 20:00 Eastern Time



Derby City Angels Meeting

by Sheltowee Angel Network

The Derby City Angels is an angel investor group that is part of the Sheltowee Angel Network.  The Derby City Angels meets monthly on the third Tuesday of the month and will see pitches from entrepreneurs from across the region. Investors will see pitches from entrepreneurs selected by the Derby City Angels each month, and one entrepreneur selected by the Sheltowee Angel Network that will be broadcast across the network to include our affiliates in Knoxville and Nashville.  To learn more about angel investing you can attend one of our Angel 101 seminars (look in the Events section of Konexons for more info).  

The monthly meetings will be for members only and members must be accredited investors.  Membership starts at $1,500 per year and members should anticipate investing at least $50,000 over two years of membership.  For more information you can visit the Sheltowee Angel Network website at www.sheltoweeangelnetwork.com.  

Please join in this zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85412080007?pwd=azlhSzVxMzl6VTdRQld6d3pzckcvdz09

Thanks to our sponsors the CEO Council, Amplify and Hopewell Labs!

Please note that membership to the Sheltowee Angel Network and the Derby City Angels is limited to accredited investors only.  

Tuesday, Nov 15, 2022

17:30 - 20:00 Eastern Time


Derby City Angels Meeting

by Sheltowee Angel Network

$0 0



Take Survey Register

Sales Ended


The Derby City Angels is an angel investor group that is part of the Sheltowee Angel Network.  The Derby City Angels meets monthly on the third Tuesday of the month and will see pitches from entrepreneurs from across the region. Investors will see pitches from entrepreneurs selected by the Derby City Angels each month, and one entrepreneur selected by the Sheltowee Angel Network that will be broadcast across the network to include our affiliates in Knoxville and Nashville.  To learn more about angel investing you can attend one of our Angel 101 seminars (look in the Events section of Konexons for more info).  

The monthly meetings will be for members only and members must be accredited investors.  Membership starts at $1,500 per year and members should anticipate investing at least $50,000 over two years of membership.  For more information you can visit the Sheltowee Angel Network website at www.sheltoweeangelnetwork.com.  

Please join in this zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85412080007?pwd=azlhSzVxMzl6VTdRQld6d3pzckcvdz09

Thanks to our sponsors the CEO Council, Amplify and Hopewell Labs!

Please note that membership to the Sheltowee Angel Network and the Derby City Angels is limited to accredited investors only.  

Investors Pitch Angels
Share with friends

Date And Time

Tuesday, Nov 15, 2022

17:30 - 20:00 Eastern Time



Derby City Angels Meeting

by Sheltowee Angel Network

The Derby City Angels is an angel investor group that is part of the Sheltowee Angel Network.  The Derby City Angels meets monthly on the third Tuesday of the month and will see pitches from entrepreneurs from across the region. Investors will see pitches from entrepreneurs selected by the Derby City Angels each month, and one entrepreneur selected by the Sheltowee Angel Network that will be broadcast across the network to include our affiliates in Knoxville and Nashville.  To learn more about angel investing you can attend one of our Angel 101 seminars (look in the Events section of Konexons for more info).  

The monthly meetings will be for members only and members must be accredited investors.  Membership starts at $1,500 per year and members should anticipate investing at least $50,000 over two years of membership.  For more information you can visit the Sheltowee Angel Network website at www.sheltoweeangelnetwork.com.  

Please join in this zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85412080007?pwd=azlhSzVxMzl6VTdRQld6d3pzckcvdz09

Thanks to our sponsors the CEO Council, Amplify and Hopewell Labs!

Please note that membership to the Sheltowee Angel Network and the Derby City Angels is limited to accredited investors only.  

Tuesday, Nov 15, 2022

17:30 - 20:00 Eastern Time