AGING2.0 Main
Capital Connections 2023
Sheltowee Christian Entrepreneurs
Aging2.0 | Minneapolis, MN
Aging2.0 | Santiago
Aging2.0 | Stanford, CA
Aging2.0 | The Collective - GIS
Aging2.0 | South American Region
Aging2.0 | South Africa
Aging2.0 | Shanghai, CHN
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AGING2.0 Main Organization

Founded in 2012 by Katy Fike and Stephen Johnston, Aging2.0 strives to accelerate innovation to address the biggest challenges and opportunities in aging. Aging2.0’s international, interdisciplinary and intergenerational community has grown to 40k+ innovators across 31 countries. Aging2.0 was acquired by CEOc (formerly Louisville Healthcare CEO Council) in 2022 moving the headquarters from San Francisco, CA to Louisville, KY. This acquisition is exciting as it broadens the resources, network, and engagement.

Our volunteer-run chapter network, which spans over 130 cities, has hosted more than 1,000+ events around the world. 

Angel Westerman
Louisville, KY
Sheltowee Business Network
Derby City Angels
Healthcare Venture Challenge
Sheltowee Venture Fund
Sheltowee Angel Network
Sheltowee Network
AccelerateKY Connect. Inform. Inspire
Hopewell Labs
Sheltowee Christian Entrepreneurs
Morehead Space Science Center
Western Kentucky University
University of Louisville
Bowling Green, KY
Pikeville, KY
Elizabethtown, KY
Lexington, KY
Corbin, KY
Paducah, KY
Ashland, KY
Owensboro, KY
Northern Kentucky
Murray, KY
Berea, KY
University of Kentucky
Aging2.0 Global Innovation Search 2022
AGING2.0 Main
Capital Connections
CareTech 2022
Prayer Warriors Monday Morning
Metals Innovation Initiative (MI2)
Aging2.0 | Boston, MA
Aging2.0 | London, UK
Aging2.0 | San Francisco, CA
Aging2.0 | Sao Paulo, BR
Aging2.0 | Louisville, KY
Optimize 2022
Russell Technology Business Incubator (RTBI)
Aging2.0 | The Collective - GIS
Aging2.0 Global Innovation Search 2023
CareTech Pitch 2023
Olga Grab
Tammy York Day
Kendrick Norris
Patrick Dionisio
Kem Delaney-Ellis
Arnold Whitman
Rick Remmers
Miguel Roxas
Angel Westerman
Sergio Duque Estrada
Karen M Brown
Sumanth Swaminathan
Denise Yarmlak
Karen Brown
Arletty Pinel
Tim Driver
Eric Kihlstrom
Joy Bhosai
Tracey Dodenhoff
Grace Andruszkiewicz
María Isabel León Fiestas
Alicia Moszkowski
Mick Fitzgerald
Sergio Duque Estrada
Patricia Pinto

Capital Connections 2023 Organization

Join us for Capital Connections at the 2023 OPTIMIZE conference this Sept. 27 and 28 in Louisville, Kentucky! 


With multiple activities and sessions throughout OPTIMIZE, Capital Connections allows you to meet with leading investors in agetech and get insights from decision makers at the largest aging and healthcare organizations worldwide. Capital Connections is the can’t-miss networking event for innovators in the healthcare and aging space.
Open to innovators of all stages – those seeking pilots, pre-seed, seed, Series A funding and beyond – Capital Connections will provide both pre-scheduled and open times for one-on-one networking opportunities with vetted investors.

Alex Day
Tammy York Day
Louisville, KY
Sheltowee Business Network
Sheltowee Venture Fund
Sheltowee Angel Network
AGING2.0 Main
CareTech Pitch 2023
Avanlee Christine
Steven Coen
Jayanthi Narasimhan
Ben Belford
Tony Wilson

Capital Connections 202311111111111111.jpg
Sheltowee Christian Entrepreneurs Organization

The Sheltowee Christian Entrepreneurs is a Community Portal that provides resources and information for Christian entrepreneurs.  In Timoty 3:14 it says: "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived".  We see this more and more each day.  So many individuals and organizations are telling us that our belief in our Saviour and moral framework is flawed.  These voices are becoming louder and more militant.  This Community is here to provide resources, inspiration and help for Christian brothers and sisters who have chosen to walk the entrepreneurial path.  

We invite all Christian brothers and sisters to join us in our efforts to help entrepreneurs build their businesses.  We will work together to build businesses that help humanity, and reflect the love of Christ at the same time.  The Sheltowee Christian Entrepreneurs Community Portal is supported by Sheltowee LLC.  

Romans 12:6-8 "We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully."

Alex Day
JR Rose
Louisville, KY
Sheltowee Business Network
Sheltowee Venture Fund
Sheltowee Angel Network
Sheltowee Network
Alex Day
Olga Grab
JR Rose
Tammy York Day
Tonya York
Kevin Rapp
Jake Griggs
Alex Day
Venkata (Vijay) Kamineni
Olga Grab
Tammy York Day
Tonya York
Kevin Rapp
Jake Griggs

Aging2.0 | Minneapolis, MN Organization

Aging2.0 Minneapolis Chapter

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America

Angel Westerman
AGING2.0 Main
Aging2.0 | Minneapolis, MN
John Fraser
Aging2.0 | Santiago Organization

Aging2.0 Santiago Chapter
Location: Santiago, Chile

Patrick Dionisio
Antonia Silva
Antonia Silva
Antonia Silva
Aging 2 .0 Santiago Chapter Community Cover1111111.jpg
Aging2.0 | Stanford, CA Organization

Aging2.0 Stanford Chapter 

Location: Stanford, California, United States

Angel Westerman
AGING2.0 Main
Aging2.0 | Orange County, CA
Aging2.0 | Palo Alto, CA
Aging2.0 | San Diego, CA
Aging2.0 | San Francisco, CA
Aging2.0 | Sunnyvale, CA
Aging2.0 | Alameda, CA
Aging2.0 | Cambridge, MA
Aging2.0 | Los Angeles, CA
Aging2.0 | Los Gatos, CA
Aging2.0 | Sacramento, CA
Aging2.0 | Palm Springs
Aging2.0 | Santa Barbara
Aging2.0 | Silicon Valley, CA
Aging2.0 | Tri-Valley, CA
Aging2.0 | Berkeley, CA
Aging2.0 | Stanford, CA
Nicholas Bernhardt-Lanier
Nicholas Bernhardt-Lanier
Aging2.0 | The Collective - GIS Organization

Aging2.0 The Collective

Angel Westerman
Louisville, KY
Sheltowee Business Network
Derby City Angels
Healthcare Venture Challenge
Sheltowee Venture Fund
Sheltowee Angel Network
Sheltowee Network
AccelerateKY Connect. Inform. Inspire
Hopewell Labs
Sheltowee Christian Entrepreneurs
Morehead Space Science Center
Western Kentucky University
University of Louisville
Bowling Green, KY
Pikeville, KY
Elizabethtown, KY
Lexington, KY
Corbin, KY
Paducah, KY
Ashland, KY
Owensboro, KY
Northern Kentucky
Murray, KY
Berea, KY
University of Kentucky
Aging2.0 Global Innovation Search 2022
AGING2.0 Main
Capital Connections
CareTech 2022
Prayer Warriors Monday Morning
Metals Innovation Initiative (MI2)
Aging2.0 | Louisville, KY
Optimize 2022
Russell Technology Business Incubator (RTBI)
Aging2.0 | The Collective - GIS
Aging2.0 Global Innovation Search 2023
CareTech Pitch 2023
Aging 2 .0 The Collective Chapter Community Cover1111.jpg
Aging2.0 | South American Region Organization

Aging2.0 South American Region Chapter

Location: South America

Angel Westerman
AGING2.0 Main
South American Region111.jpg
Aging2.0 | South Africa Organization

Aging2.0 South Africa Chapter

Location: South Africa

Angel Westerman
AGING2.0 Main
Aging2.0 | Cape Town, ZAF
Aging2.0 | South Africa
South Africa111.jpg
Aging2.0 | Shanghai, CHN Organization

Aging2.0 Shanghai Chapter

Location: Shanghai, China

Angel Westerman
AGING2.0 Main
Aging2.0 | Beijing, CHN
Aging2.0 | Shanghai, CHN