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Eric Dobson

Investor and Entrepreneur

Investor Entrepreneur Mentor

Knoxville , TN

Current Position

Managing Partner at Sheltowee Medical Device Fund

What are your interests?

Medical devices, advanced materials, big data, AI, VR, entrepreneurship, and venture investing,

Define your Life Philosophy

Fuzzy-haired scientist turned entrepreneur, turned angel investor, turned venture investor. People invest in people in markets they like and understand

Describe your strengths
Mentoring Startup Honesty & Integrity Business Plan Networking Financial Analysis
What do you do for Fun?
Backpack, mountain bike, run, drink great scotch and smoke great cigars. Family and friends!
What are you most proud of?

Watching great companies that I have funded take wing and fly.

One thing about me

I was once bitten on the lip by a seagull.