networking directory

Ana Sepulveda

Chapter Ambassador


Current Position

Chapter Ambassador

What are your interests?

Funding, Health, Collaborative methods, Longevity, eHealth, Assisted Living, Independent Living, AgeManagement, Ageing, Cities, Architecture, Empowerment, AAL, Accessibility , Healthcare, IoT, DigitalHealth, Economics, Aging Tech, Consulting, Advising, Jobs, Workforce


40+ lab CEO (business consultancy company 100% focus on Longevity Economy), Age Friendly Portugal Association - President, Convenant of Demographic Change (European Union) – Co founder and also member of the Portuguese Network of Safety, Healthy and Friendly Environments. 
Expert in Ageing and Longevity Economy, Ana’s academic path spans two continents and her professional path in Portugal covers technical and managerial responsibilities in research companies such as Synovate and in trend research consultancies such as Ayr Consulting, then associated with Science of the Time.
Ana has co-authored two books, published several articles and is responsible for the first in-depth study in Portugal, in 2010, into the then generally called “Senior Consumer”. In 2015, together with APAN and GFK Research, she designed and carried out the first comprehensive segmentation study into the 45+ consumer, having identified five clear cut segments therein and articulated their expectations about life, relationship with families, friends and co-workers and brands as well as health and retail habits.